Fly on a Line, Burger on a Plate, Shake in Hand

One of my favorite things to do on a hot Montana summer day is to go fly fishing. Now, fishing is fun and it's even better when you leave the waders at home and just wear a t-shirt and shorts. And especially because when it's hot, really hot, most anglers stay off the water so you rarely seen anyone else on the water. Plus, if you're hot, all you need to do is wade into deep hole, buckle your knees and go all the way under to cool off. 

This outing was one that I planned for several weeks with my grandson Kyler. I needed another fly rod for him to use so I asked my team at work and they delivered. We had fished several times when he was younger but I thought it would be easier for him to fish with a bobber or with live bait or even with a lure. Don't know why I waited until he was 11 to take him fly fishing because he really, really enjoyed it. And he was good at it, too.

He said: Our drive took us to the Mission Valley, about 30 minutes from our home where we found a spot to drop into the Jocko River. It is a really good fishery that does not get a lot of pressure because of the increased fees for fishing on the Flathead Indian Reservation. 

I had Kyler practice casting in the front yard a couple of days before we left, as well as that morning, so he was ready to roll. We got out of the truck, grabbed our fly rods and I put bear spray on my belt because yes, this is both black bear and grizzly bear country and you just can't be too careful. We hiked down to the river, put a fly on his line and he got to work. It wasn't long at all that Kyler snagged his first-ever trout with a fly rod. It wasn't very big but he cast it, he hooked it and he landed it. 

Over the course of the net few of hours, Kyler pulled in six trout. It was a great time and was so fun to watch him. After we hiked back to the truck I asked him how he liked fly fishing. His response was classic: "I really like the action, Papa." No doubt about it, we'll go back to give it another go.

She said: (Lori sat this one out)

By the way: We fished well past lunchtime so we were both really hungry. We stopped at Big Sky Sasquatch in Arlee. I'd eaten there a number of times in the past but only once since a change in ownership. My order was a bacon cheddar cheese burger because, well, honey-cured bacon! I mean, what's better that that after spending several hours playing in the outdoors? Also, I've said it time and time again, but you just can't go wrong with a good order of fries. And these delivered - thinner than fatter, cooked well, crispy on the outside and hot in the inside.

Once back in the truck, we each had a nice, big milkshake for the road. We went for a couple of traditional choices - vanilla for Kyler and chocolate for me. It didn't take very long -not long at all- until once Kyler's shake was gone, so was Kyler. He slept for most of the way home. 

Unfortunately, there is not a happy ending to this story. Here's a November 2024 Facebook post by Big Sky Sasquatch: Due to High Costs of everything from food to fuel and all other expenses we just cannot continue to exist. Big Sky Sasquatch is officially Closed. Again, Thank you so much to all of our supporters over the years as we certainly appreciated all of you.

Big Sky Sasquatch RIP😢😢😢


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